Trademarks and Patents. California Grand Casino, Hot Action Blackjack, Your Best Bet in the Bay Area, Hot Action Poker, and Let the Chips Fall Your Way are registered trademarks or service marks of the California Grand Casino.

EZ Baccarat, EZ Trak, Panda 8, Dragon 7, Ultimate Texas Hold ‘Em, Face Up Pai Gow, and Three Card Poker and their respective designs are registered trademarks used under license. US Patent No. 5,979,896, D594,911, 5,362,064, 6,217,447 and other patents pending  used under license. Buster Blackjack – American Gaming Systems, LLC, US Patent 6,845,981

Game Approvals; GEGR: # 0590 (Hot Action Blackjack), #2267 (Pai Gow), #0594 (Three Card Poker), #2100 (Ultimate Texas Hold ‘Em), #2146 (Face Up Pai Gow), #2320 (EZ Baccarat), #0589 (EZ Baccarat with Panda 8), #2285 (Buster Blackjack Bonus Bet), #0671 (Texas Hold’em), and GETR #0051 (Poker Tournaments). Collections: #0675 (Poker) and #0674 (Player-Dealer Games Collection Rates).

Promotions/Gaming Activities: GEAR # 0212 (Bad Beat (Progressive)), #0209 (Mini Bad Beat Jackpot), #0211 (High Hand), #0208 (Royal Flush), #0203 (Morning Bonus for Hold’em), #0204 (Free Food Promotion), #00205 (New Player Coupon), #0207 (Match Play Promotion 2.0), #0213 (Aces Cracked), #0210 (Splash Pot), #0988 (Player Appreciation), #0214 (Cash Giveaway), and #1232 (Free Play).

Not all approved games and promotions are currently offered.